27 Jan Sounds of the Season

The sounds of the Christmas season reverberated through the building in the months prior to Christmas and throughout the Christmas season. At Messiah Lutheran Classical Academy (MLCA), we are blessed with many talented, musically trained, teachers. The result of these talented teachers is a student base that loves to sing and perform.

Our Upper School students shared a variety of traditional Christmas carols with the residents of Whitley Place as well as some beautiful harmonic Christmas four-part choral arrangements. The students gave the residents some handmade ornaments and lip balms. Both the residents and the students were enriched by the experience.

The crescendo to this musical season was the annual Christmas concert. Our Kindergarten through Second grade students performed “The Twelve Days of Christmas” featuring the Biblical meaning of each of the days of Christmas. The second-grade students memorized and recited the Bible verse that corresponded with each of the specified days.
Our Advanced Strings performed three different pieces. The crowd favorite was “The Bleak Mid-Winter.” Our strings students are instructed by Mrs. Lisa McLaughlin. All our 5th grade through 8th grade students enjoy string instruction.

The Upper School students sang a variety of traditional carols such as “O Holy Night” and “The First Noel.” The final Christmas carol, “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come,” featured Shyanne Simon and Hadley Gibson as soloist.
In addition, to practice performances the halls echoed with the children singing and playing on the piano many different Christmas carols.

Special Christmas music is a major part of most people’s celebration. The love and tradition of Christmas music is a major part of the life at MLCA. The staff and students adhere to Martin Luther’s famous quote, “The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.”